Annual Event


Wednesday, August 14

12:00 PM - 4:00 PM



加入我们的一天,充满灵感,与我们的供应商和尊敬的网络 Community Partners, and fun at ARA/FMLS Showcase!

想象一下:美妙的可口可乐罗克西餐厅里热闹的气氛, lunch buffet and bar service, 网络与我们的供应商和尊敬的社区合作伙伴, and dynamic speakers including Selma Hepp, who leads the economics team at CoreLogic, and Kevin Williams, who wrote, Irrational Kindness!

Here's a sneak peek at what's in store:

Don't miss out on the real estate event of the year! Keep an eye on your inbox for more exciting updates. Save the date, spread the word, 并准备在2024年ARA/FMLS展示会上提升您的房地产游戏!

50/50 Raffle Drawing
购买奖券,以支持立博体育赛事房地产经纪人Ⓡ影响基金会. 立博体育赛事房地产经纪人Ⓡ影响基金会成立于2022年,代表立博体育赛事房地产经纪人Ⓡ提供教育奖学金和社区慈善捐赠. Over the past year, we have awarded twelve $1,为有需要的学生提供1万元奖学金,并向6名有需要的学生派发爱心基金. 一位幸运的中奖者将获得门票销售收入的50%! 10美元买5张票,20美元买20张票,50美元买100张票,100美元买250张票. Sales end at midnight on Monday, August 12th!


Picture of Selma Hepp

Selma Hepp

Executive, Research & Insights;

CoreLogic是美国最大的先进物业和所有权提供商 information, analytics and data-enabled services. Selma Hepp leads 负责分析的经济团队 解释和预测房地产和经济趋势的实际 estate, mortgage and insurance.

在2020年加入CoreLogic之前,Selma是首席经济学家 太平洋联合国际公司商业智能副总裁, later acquired by Compass, 她负责监管至关重要的经济和技术情报,以推动这家不断扩张的经纪公司取得成功. Selma also held the role of Chief Economist for Trulia; Senior Economist for the California Association of Realtors; and Economist and Manager for Public Policy and Homeownership research for the National Association of Realtors, as well as a special research assistant at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

塞尔玛经常出现在地方和国家广播和电视节目中,并被《立博体育赛事》广泛引用, 《立博体育赛事》和许多行业出版物,如《立博体育赛事》和《立博体育登录》. 塞尔玛在2022年获得了HousingWire最具影响力女性奖. 她曾担任美国全国商业经济协会(NABE)洛杉矶分会主席。, NABE Real Estate Roundtable co-chair, 国际学生交换计划董事会成员, Advisory REALTOR®大学研究中心编辑评审委员会成员和住房政策辩论编辑顾问委员会成员. 塞尔玛还在佛罗里达州和弗吉尼亚州持有房地产助理专业执照. 塞尔玛毕业于纽约州立大学布法罗分校,获得文学硕士学位.A. in Economics and holds a Ph.D. from the University of Maryland.

Picture of Kevin Williams

Kevin Williams

凯文·威廉姆斯成为福来鸡特许经营商已经30多年了. 他毕业于佐治亚大学,获得管理信息系统学位. 他第一次接触到Chick-fil-A这个品牌是在他十几岁的时候,创始人特鲁特·凯西(Truett Cathy)向他的教会介绍的. 凯文在佐治亚州坎顿拥有并经营着三家Chick-fil-A餐厅. 凯文是畅销书《立博体育赛事》的作者,这本书既是生活操作手册,也是员工手册. 他和他的妻子格温喜欢花时间和孩子们在一起 & 孙子,为佐治亚大学加油,探索创意之地 & spaces.

Picture of Jeremy Crawford

Jeremy Crawford

As President & First Multiple Listing Service (FMLS)的首席执行官杰里米(Jeremy)位居第四 美国最大的MLS拥有超过57,000名用户. An east Tennessee native, he is a 高技术的领导者,对积极影响房地产的未来充满热情 为佐治亚州及其他地区的经纪人和代理商带来好处.

在加入FMLS之前,他曾担任房地产标准组织(RESO)的首席执行官 在全国房地产经纪人协会®的保护伞下运作.

Jeremy的经验还包括在MLS Listings的首席运营官/首席信息官(旧金山)担任行政职务 湾区),Sandicor MLS(圣地亚哥)的首席信息官,以及MarketLinx的首批员工之一 is today known as Corelogic.

Picture of Kelly Guin Thrash

Kelly Guin Thrash

Kelly Guin Thrash, inspired by her trailblazing Grandmother, 是立博体育赛事前10%的REALTOR®和立博体育赛事REALTORS®协会顶级生产商的终身立博体育赛事. 她担任社区事务和公共关系副总裁,并担任过各种领导职务, 包括房地产经纪人政治行动委员会(RPAC)主席.

With over 10 years of experience, 凯利专门研究立博体育赛事大都会和北乔治亚州, particularly Forsyth and Fulton Counties, Lake Lanier, and Big Canoe. Known for her effective negotiation skills, 她致力于帮助客户找到他们完美的家,并成功地营销房产.

Originally from Alabama, 凯利拥有阿拉巴马大学心理学和广告学学位. 她在国际和财富500强公司拥有12年的获奖销售经验. Active in her community, Kelly supports the Junior League of Atlanta, Habitat for Humanity, and the Atlanta Humane Society.

In her free time, Kelly enjoys concerts, action movies, dining with friends, mystery books, Pilates, and Alabama Crimson Tide football. She lives in Crabapple with her rescue dog and cat.


12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Registration & Lunch Buffet

1:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Speaker Programs


3103 Battery Ave SE, Atlanta, GA 30339, USA


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